Monday, June 28, 2010

New School Year....

Well we are off to a new start and a new school year.... Trenton is at the farm helping with wheat harvest raising money for all the trips we have to make this year to Manhattan for football..... So with him gone I decided to get started with school for everyone else.. We are tackling the Deceralation of Independence... Why cause July 4th is around the corner and I don't want to do it in Jan... What better time to learn about it when we are celebrating it...

Lots to learn with all the crazyiness going on in the world....

So we are going to do some in depth studys....


unschoolermom said...

We are having fun with the 4th of July, too. Yesterday, we studied the Great Seal of the U.S. and decorated a color sheet with the front and the back Today, we studied the flag and the National Anthem. And we made 4th of July tissue paper art. Tomorrow, we're taking a field trip to Coronado Heights (we studied explorers last week) and making Cibolo pictures. Thursday, we'll get into the Declaration and are making fireworks art by throwing paintballs at poster board. Friday, we're going to have a fun 4th of July day and make "I Can" cans - saying what our talents are and what our freedoms are in the U.S. Sunday, it's a trip to Indian Rock Park. :^)

I hope you're having lots of fun with your study, too!

God bless.


Unknown said...

Hi my name is collin I received a package at my house that I believe is for you and I'm just trying to get it to were it belongs it says its a tooth brush kit on the box if you could get back to me you can get ahold of me through me email