WEll I am at the end of the school year although we school year round. Can't believe my kids are so big now.... I have Trenton which is now in 10th grade in Highschool, Christiana is in 7th grade, Jonathan is in 5/6th grade, MaKayla is in 4th grade, Juliana is in 3rd grade and my Baby Mikkel is in Preschool..
I am really excited about the curriculiam I am going to use this year. We are doing an Old Fashioned Education incorperated with a Math Curriculiam, My History Time Line, Our own Science thing, and SVHE Coop. I have already started to pull things together for the new year. Not sure when I will stop school for a month or so and then pick it back up yet as I havent decided yet. But for the most part school is out. As now we are only doing little and fun things. But at least I have most of the stuff need for school ready to go, I just need to find a Math program I just can't leave without.
This year is also my 20th year class reunion. Can't believe that I have been out of school for that long and all the accomplishments I have made. I have been married for going on 16 years, I have 6 wonderful children. I am a Nurse, a teacher, and am very active in our Church.
Sounds like you have been busy in twenty years! Mine is this year too, but I am unable to go because of Chris' deployment schedule.
I'm glad you are having fun with your school! We are as well. We've been doing so many lapbooks and hands-on studies. Some of our recent favorites have been In the Hands of a Child: Insects, Creation Astronomy, Bubbleology, Chocolate, Germs, Biblical Obedience, Biblical Honesty, and Biblical Anger. (Our Biblical Compassion went along so well with St. Patrick's Day).
Do you agree that one of the best things about homeschooling is being able to have fun - and, like you said, being able to mix and match curriculums to meet the needs of your children?
Glad to see your post! God bless.
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