WEll I am at the end of the school year although we school year round. Can't believe my kids are so big now.... I have Trenton which is now in 10th grade in Highschool, Christiana is in 7th grade, Jonathan is in 5/6th grade, MaKayla is in 4th grade, Juliana is in 3rd grade and my Baby Mikkel is in Preschool..
I am really excited about the curriculiam I am going to use this year. We are doing an Old Fashioned Education incorperated with a Math Curriculiam, My History Time Line, Our own Science thing, and SVHE Coop. I have already started to pull things together for the new year. Not sure when I will stop school for a month or so and then pick it back up yet as I havent decided yet. But for the most part school is out. As now we are only doing little and fun things. But at least I have most of the stuff need for school ready to go, I just need to find a Math program I just can't leave without.
This year is also my 20th year class reunion. Can't believe that I have been out of school for that long and all the accomplishments I have made. I have been married for going on 16 years, I have 6 wonderful children. I am a Nurse, a teacher, and am very active in our Church.